Friday, April 24, 2015

Science Days

Some of you will know that the last couple of weeks have been a bit tough on me. I have been tired and cranky and suffering from a good bit of homesickness. Luckily something happened yesterday and today that validated this trip and my decision to become a science teacher in general: Science Fair.

It all began yesterday with "Group 4 Science Project" presentations. These are projects conducted by grade 11 students that are supposed to span the science curricula and focus on solving a specific problem. The students this year needed to focus on alternative energy. The group that won produced ethanol from potatoes. They may have blown up a couple containers, spewing fermented potato mix all over the lab, but they were ultimately successful and able to burn their fuel to spin a turbine.

Here are the kids accepting their award:

Today was the primary and middle school science fair. As a judge I spent the entire day moving around, hearing presentations, and assessing exhibits. The kids came up with some amazing things. I was a pretty proud student teacher since I spend a good portion of every Friday in the 7th grade, and we have been working on Science Fair for the last month. My only regret is that I failed to get photos of all of them.

As luck (and careful calculation of incubation period) would have it, the egg began to hatch on Science Fair day!

These guys constructed a potato flinger.

And of course one group made a rocket. 

Some pretty impressive results. 

I had such a great time and was so pleased with the work all of my kids put in. This made it so clear that I am making the right decision. Who other than a science teacher would love geeking out on two straight days of science so much!?

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